provides academic and society publishers with cost-effective open journal system (OJS) hosting solutions along with help and support to publish and establish an internet-based editorial and review management system equipped with manuscript tracking system (manuscript submission, peer/blind review, editorial/review/production decision-making) using Open Journal Systems (OJS) and PHP technology.
Founded in 2014, has provided journal and book, and conference publishing services using OJS/OMP and open conference hosting platforms to academic professionals, research scholars, research institutions, universities, society publishers, and independent publishers. We are working with over 140 + publishers and publishing along with them around to 192+ journals. We host conferences proceedings and transactions. We are also engaged to publish audio and visual books. The websites we develop on OJS platform, all optimized and user-friendly. We believe in a professional approach and working together. We also help in typesetting, copyediting, proofreading as well.